The Preferential Origin Regime and Global Value Chains

November 21, 2016

Access to preferential import tariffs under a free trade agreement (FTA) is governed by clearly defined rules of origin designed to prevent non-members from enjoying the benefits. However, a company’s ability to trade under preference even when it meets these rules, is subject to a number of other conditions and requirements. In particular, the documentary evidence required to demonstrate compliance with rules of origin can create an unintended second layer of protection and act as a non-tariff barrier to trade. This paper examines the current rules of origin requirement and how it applies to global value chains. It puts forth several recommendations for improvements in implementation.

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Building Inclusive Rules of Origin in the 21st Century

November 21, 2016

This is an overview report of the Rules of Origin Dialogue held November 21-22, 2016. The report report provides an analysis and evaluation of rules of origin in the context of RTAs and the multilater... READ MORE

Addressing Origin Operational Challenges

November 21, 2016

This paper reviews reciprocal and unilateral preferential rules of origin, including the possibility of introducing expanded cumulation flexibilities to show why they are seemingly resistant to harmon... READ MORE

Towards Convergence on Rules of Origin Between Trade at the Regional and Multilateral Level

November 21, 2016

The ongoing stalemate on the Harmonization Work Programme (HWP) with respect to non-preferential rules of origin (RoO) has left business trade negotiators and customs officials negotiating free trade... READ MORE