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Antoni Estevadeordal is the Manager of the Integration and Trade Sector at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). A Spanish citizen, he has expertise in trade policy, economic integration and regional cooperation policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and Europe. He was responsible for IDB technical assistance to the FTAA process from 1995 to 2000. He has coordinated the Bank’s policy research program on trade and integration issues as well as several joint initiatives with the WTO, WCO, ADB, EU, OAS and UN agencies, among others. Before joining the IDB he taught at the University of Barcelona and Harvard University. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University and a B.A. in Economics from the University of Barcelona.



A closer look at trade costs in the Americas

March 6, 2017

Across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), governments are asking how they can spur growth in a challenging and uncertain global context. The region can ill afford to leave trade barriers unchec... READ MORE


Towards a New Trans-American Partnership

April 1, 2016

The global trade regime is undergoing fundamental changes. While World Trade Organization (WTO) member countries continue to work towards an ever elusive agreement, regional initiatives—most... READ MORE


What the TPP means for Latin America and the Caribbean

March 9, 2016

On February 4, 2016, after five years of negotiations, the members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) signed the trade pact, considered to be the highest standard trade agreement to d... READ MORE


What Does the TPP Mean for Latin America and the Caribbean?

January 4, 2016

On October 5 the twelve members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) announced the conclusion of negotiations. Together, the member countries (Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, United S... READ MORE


Korea and Latin America and the Caribbean: Striving for a Diverse and Dynamic Relationship

March 1, 2015

For Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), Asia has gone from an afterthought to a centerpiece of economic relations over the last decade. Seemingly out of nowhere, fast-growing Asian economies bec... READ MORE


Regional Trade Agreements: Development Challenges and Policy Options

December 1, 2013

Regional trade agreements (RTAs) have proliferated around the globe in the past decades. There has been an intense debate about their implications for the world trading system. By now, the evidence... READ MORE


Regional Integration in the Americas: State of Play, Lessons, and Ways Forward

April 1, 2011

Examination of the extent of liberalization in regional trade agreements (RTAs) in the Americas in comparison with other regions of the world, to discuss the potential future of integration in the... READ MORE


Gatekeepers of Global Commerce: Rules of Origin and International Economic Integration

January 1, 2008

Rules of origin are a crucial market access instrument in the rapidly proliferating network of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) around the world. In this volume, Estevadeordal and Suominen reve... READ MORE


Regional Public Goods: From Theory to Practice

January 1, 2003

This book is based on a conference entitled "Regional Public Goods and Regional Development Assistance", held in Washington, D.C. on November 6-7, 2002. It examines how the IDB and the AD... READ MORE