3 results about ROBERT MCDOUGALL


Options for future proofing regional trade agreement dispute settlement mechanisms

April 26, 2018

After decades of experience in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization, trading nations have become accustomed to orderly and predicable mechanisms for r... READ MORE


Options for future proofing regional trade agreement dispute settlement mechanisms

April 26, 2018

After decades of experience in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization, trading nations have become accustomed to orderly and predicable mechanisms for resol... READ MORE


Regional Trade Agreement Dispute Settlement Mechanisms: Modes, Challenges and Options for Effective Dispute Resolution

April 19, 2018

The importance of regional trade agreements (RTAs) and their dispute settlement mechanisms (DSMs) will likely continue to grow considering the dynamics of the multilateral trade negotiations and th... READ MORE