6 results about THE ECONOMIST


On NAFTA, America, Canada and Mexico are miles apart

October 21, 2017

American demands are so extreme some suspect it of not wanting a deal at all.



Anti-trumping duties: Protectionism and its risks

October 5, 2017

Does the American president’s protectionism pose a threat to emerging countries? READ MORE


Donald Trump takes aim at Canada

April 29, 2017

Attacks on dairy farmers and loggers are the opening shots in a bigger confrontation over trade READ MORE


The EFTA countries show how hard Brexit will be for Britain

April 12, 2017

Norway offers much to envy. The food is tasty, public services are great and the people are impossibly good-looking. Its trade policy looks equally desirable. Though it trades heavily with the EU, Nor... READ MORE


The two-year countdown to Brexit has begun

April 1, 2017

Back in October Theresa May promised to invoke Article 50, the legal procedure for leaving the European Union, by the end of March 2017. On March 29th the prime minister duly sent a six-page letter to... READ MORE


Mercosur’s missed boat

May 14, 2016

At a meeting in Brussels this week, officials from the European Union (EU) and Mercosur exchanged offers to cut tariffs and expand market access for each others’ goods and services. This is their seco... READ MORE